Posted in PRIDE2020



The blue-green world we have is filled with more myths than it is with sea-turtles. Most of them are borne of ignorance and then passed on, without a clear mind to check on the ensuing smoke. A lot of them have been based on a subject that is not spoken about nearly enough, something that’s been kept in the shadows for way too long, and not well understood, the lgbtq+ community.

·     LGBTQ+ People Can Be Identified by Certain Mannerisms, Clothing or Physical Characteristics

There is no specific format a member sticks to, and their behaviour, and their gender expression differs from person to person. There is no single way to gauge if one is queer or not, lest if they say so themselves.

·     There is a Distinct LGBTQ+ Lifestyle

A specific magazine, “Guide to Queer” exists, which has a detailed description of what schedules the member should follow, what to eat, and what job arenas they should stick to. If you haven’t guessed already, I’m just kidding. LGBTQ+ members are everywhere and lead lives according their wishes, present in all regions of the world, and all lines of work.

·     Only Lesbians, Gays & Bisexuals are Attracted to People of Their Own Sex

This is one of the most common misconceptions people bear in their minds. Most adults have been attracted to members of their gender at least once in their lifetimes. This, however does not mean that they are queer, and does not affect their sexuality in any way.

·     In a Same-Sex Relationship, One Partner Usually Plays the Masculine Role & the Other One Plays the Feminine Role

In a M/M or F/F relationship, it is not uncommon that both the partners play only the role they already are, their gender. It does not follow the male-female dichotomy.

·     LGBTQ+ People Do Not Make Good Parents

The sexual orientation of the parents does not influence the sexuality of the child in any way. Other than being scared of being judged by their peers for having queer parents, there are no signs of emotional stress caused by this. Society’s judgement is of course, in no way their fault.

·     LGBTQ+ People Are Predominantly Young, White, & Non-Religious (WESTERN TRADITION)

This is a myth that exists in major parts of Asia and Europe, blaming the western influences on their children. “It’s only occurring in recent trends”. How false can that statement be? More people are standing up and are asking for what they deserve, causing the rise of known queer people.

It really is unfair that so many people, closeted and confused, have to listen to the tirade of uneducated people holding positions of power. We shouldn’t lose hope though, for the world is changing, moving forward, one step at a time.

 “Two steps forward, one step back is still one step forward.” – Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn Nine-Nine

If you see someone struggling to come to terms with their sexuality or gender, simply ask them to reach out to India’s helpline number: 1800111015. If you want to talk, please feel free to reach out. I would love to talk.

This has been great. All ten of these articles, and I don’t know if I’ve helped someone, but I really really hope I did. Even if you have any questions regarding lgbtq+, hit me up. I’d love to explain things out. Also, pride 2020 is almost over, so for the last time this year, happy pride!

Lots and lots of love, T. ❤


Writing helps you find the 'you' in yourself, and I'm on my journey finding me..

2 thoughts on “MYTH GRENADES

  1. Great post!
    “Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place.” Captain Holt, Brooklyn Nine-Nine!

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